Why aren’t we racing in 2023? What’s next?

We are all aware that racing can be expensive, even at the club level, and with the recent cost of living crisis in the United Kingdom in full force and inflation at an all-time high, racing has become unaffordable. The mortgage interest rates have increased fivefold since the end of 2022. In tandem with this, the cost of all race consumables and every other item on the list of race preparation has risen steadily since the Christmas of 2022.

Due to personal financial constraints, Chasing tenths has decided not to race in 2023. However, we will continue to support Team T3S Racing by filming their races. Two of the riders on this squad (Jamie Harris and Steven Ward) raced with us the previous season with No Limits Racing UK. The team’s aim is to win the Club 1000 eBay Endurance Championship. One of the team's riders, Simon Adams, also competes in the Sprints championship and is incredibly fast and accomplished. Not only does Simon brings personal sponsorship from numerous companies, but he also has a fantastic team surrounding him with Alice Sowerby (team principal and his spouse) and Chris Butcher, a renowned riding coach and longtime mentor.

What’s next then, we hear you ask? Normal service will recommence, and race vlogs will continue to play a significant role on our YouTube channel, alongside new content. Consequently, we can only say, watch this space.


Trackdays : A Novice perspective